Discover What Drives Us

The Economic Forum For Family Empowerment Scotland is a registered Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) since April 8, 2020. It operates with a mission focused on outcomes rather than income.
Our objectives include providing relief to those in need, particularly migrants, refugees, and Asylum Seekers, by fostering social and learning opportunities to reduce social isolation, address disadvantages, and enhance understanding of rights of the family as a unit as well as women’s rights, including issues like Female Genital Mutilation.
As a partner and full member of BASNET – The UK BME Anti-Slavery Network, we collectively promote and advocate equality to combating and eradication of human trafficking and modern day slavery. Whereby we work with families in UK Black and Ethnic communities as well as New Scots Integration Network on child protection and children exploitation; New Scots Refugee and asylum seekers to create awareness on safeguarding children from abuse, cultural and religious practices that harm them, exploitation and Modern slavery.

We advance women’s social and emotional wellbeing by raising awareness on issues like Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and providing professional advice and advocacy services.

We promote rights awareness and support, offering emergency aids for women, girls, and children affected by domestic violence through innovative services.

We advance health by supporting mothers with children having learning disabilities and autism, providing information and strategies for breaking free from the pressure of caregiving.

We promote rights by educating female children and supporting their development into assets for their families and nations.

We educate and support women towards building self-esteem and self-confidence.
We educate the public on the negative diplomatic implications of racial discrimination in our community.

We advance the arts, heritage, and culture among people of different races.
Join us in making a meaningful impact on the wellbeing of individuals and communities.

Angela Ejiro Nduka is a Nigerian, from Ughelli North L.G.A of Delta State, the South-South region of the country. She obtained her first degree from the University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State of Nigeria where she studied English Language.
She is Married to Mr. Christian Chinedum Nduka.

She is a coach, councellor, motivational speaker, conference speaker and a teacher, a mentor and have the passion of pioneering the next generation into their purpose in life.

She is also a trustworthy and responsible individual with experience of caring and supporting others both within the family life cycle and within her community.
She is passionate about helping others and has strong people skill whilst understanding individual’s needs to provide the most appropriate information, advice and help in moving them forward, including confidence building. Willing to learn and develop and holds an excellent and time-keeping record.

Angela Ejiro Nduka

Founder/Lead Project Facilitator

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